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Made in France : décryptage d'un symbole de qualité

What is Made in France?

Made in France: what are the origins, guarantees and regulations?

Made in France, Manufactured in France, Made in France, Produced in France, Designed in France, French know-how…: the list is long of these designations that flourish on packaging. Valuing the French origin of products is the new fashion. But how do you find your way through all these mentions? Do they all guarantee that the products are made in France? The answer is no. Only the mentions Made in France and Made in France certify that they are made in France.

We will guide you through this jungle and we will decipher Made in France for you . A statement that is dear to us. The one we stand for.

The Made in France, the guarantee of French manufacturing

An optional statement

Made in France and Made in France have the same meaning, one in English, the other in French. Made in France is not a label. It is a mention that companies can choose to affix on their products to certify their French origin. It concerns both manufactured and food products.

In recent years, new French Made in France brands have developed successfully, especially in the textile industry. Finding Made in France men's and women's clothing, shoes and fashion accessories has become easier with the internet.

Requirement and control

If this mention is optional, it is nevertheless highly regulated and controlled. To be able to bear the mention Made in France or Manufactured in France, a product must:

  • Comply with the non-preferential rules of origin of the European customs code.
  • Have undergone its last industrial transformation in France.
  • Draw a significant part of its value from at least one manufacturing step in France.

In other words, the mention Made in France certifies that a significant part of the manufacturing has been carried out in France. It in no way certifies the French origin of the raw materials.

Brands can choose to go more or less far in manufacturing in France. For us, it's not a part, but all of our production that is located in France.

The affixing of the Made in France marking is controlled by the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF). Companies guilty of deceptive commercial practices incur administrative sanctions, even criminal sanctions in the most serious cases with fines and prison sentences.

Made in France - Fabriqué en France

Beware of"Frenchwashing"

Next to Made in France, appeared the mentions "Designed in France", "Designed in France", "Assembled in France", "Made in France". The imagination of "French washing" seems limitless.

These mentions have no legitimacy. They do not guarantee manufacture of the products in France, or French origin of the raw materials. Be vigilant in front of patriotic companies on the facade displaying on their labels a French flag, a hexagon in the colors blue-white-red, or even a cockade.

Made in France, from its origins to the present day

Made in is far from a recent invention.It is a appellation born at the end of the 19th century in England. The idea had the completely opposite effect of that expected. But that is what has been its strength to this day.

It all started with Made in Germany. In a protectionist impulse, the English decided in the 1890s to put this mark on all imports from Germany. By informing of the German origin of the products, the government hoped to convince English consumers not to buy them in favor of local productions.

But since Germany was synonymous with quality at that time, the opposite effect happened. Faced with this success of Made in Germany, other countries have followed suit and exploited "Made in" to enhance their national know-how.

L he appellation has crossed the century, returning to the fore the scene in the wake of economic crises. Governments have always seen it as an opportunity to revive the economy of their country by appealing to the civic spirit of consumers.

In France, Made in France has once again become a fashion in the early 2010s, following the 2008 economic crisis.

"The battle for Made in France is a national cause that interests all French people".

6 reasons to consume "Made in France"

Made in France is today much more than a protectionist gesture of economic recovery. It is a genuine choice of eco-responsible production and consumption.

More than three quarters of French people say they are willing to pay more for a quality Made in France. But the passage to the act remains timid. The survey results bear this out. In 2019, the Independent Federation of Made in France (FIMIF) estimated that items made in France accounted for 3% of clothing sold in France, 5% of games and toys, 1% of watches. Main brake: price.

If we don't deny that price is a determining purchase criterion, buying Made in France also means:
  • Promote the craftsmen and know-how of our regions.
  • Revitalizing territories and recreating local ecosystems: around the industry that is coming back, it is a local system that is coming back to life around actors and committed companies, producers, manufacturers, distributors, traders and consumers.
  • Promote the development of local and sustainable jobs, respectful working conditions and fair pay.
  • Benefit from quality items, manufactured by French expertise.
  • Acting for the planet with local national production, limiting transport.
  • Participating influencing France. Ambition? May Made in France achieve the same notoriety as Made in Paris, a true guarantee of quality abroad.

Yes, these reasons seem worthy of the most beautiful election leaflet. But Made in France is more than just a political program. Producing in France and buying French items are concrete actsaccessible to everyone. If living standards are an understandable drag, even one purchase a year counts. Buy less but quality.

The road to Made in France is long.But we believe in it And we are committed every day to offer you quality products Made in France. And we're not the only ones. Today the Made in France market is full of nuggets for women and men. Are you looking for a gift to offer? Or do you just want to treat yourself? Clothes, shoes, leather goods, linens, jewelry, soaps, the choice is yours. So are you ready to embark on a more reasoned, responsible and Made in France consumption?.

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